This past summer session (2020) I took a contemporary art course, where of course, performance art was a central focus. Art of the postmodern period that became contemporary ushered in a lot of new genres, and performance art is one. While performance art was not new to the contemporary scene (it was going on in the 50's, 60, 70's), it is my belief that the use of late 20th century and 21st century technology pushed its exposure further into the eye of the pop culture public.
Several contemporary artists engaged in performance art as their production and delivery method. My eye right now is on Marina Abramović. While I like her work, I am curious how much of it is "deep" vs attention seeking? No judgement, just a thought.
Are you familiar with her work? The most known of her performances for me was The Artist is Present, which was at MoMA in 2010. I did not see it live, but have seen multiple videos and read much.
She also produces photographic works, some stills from her performance pieces, and some conceptual works on their own.
In spite of me looking at her with the side-eye at times, she is on my list of favorites. Check out the links below and decide for yourself.
Photographic works on
Google search (click the image):